Monday, 27 February 2012

Battlefield 3 - and a new focus for the blog

Well! This blog, like so many others across the wilderness of the internet, has been casually abandoned for a few months, plunging its readership from a whopping high of 2 to a dismal low of zero. But fear not noble imaginary reader! I have a new direction in which to take this masterpiece of internetery.

I've been in a monogamous gaming relationship with Battlefield 3 since its release, and I'm committed. What can you buy for £40? That’s one ticket to a football match. A nice new shirt. An expensive lunch for two people. OR DAYS AND DAYS OF SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE FACE UNTIL THEY CRY.

£40 spent on Battlefield 3 will grant dozens of hours of enjoyment (100 and counting for myself.) That’s £2.50 per hour of enjoyment. What else can you buy that provides £2.50 worth of enjoyment for a whole hour? Nothing outside of a house of ill-repute in the Far East, that’s what.

Pew pew pew

So this blog is going to refocus on all things Battlefieldy – from guides and tips, tactics and musings, right through to the secrets of how to annoy as many people as possible in a 64 player metro game.

Upcoming features will include -

Jihad Jeeping 101

How to do annoying things

Expand the map – expand your mind


Alcohol and Battlefield – the perfect partners

Read on, fearless explorer, and experience ye treasures beyond.